Local Latino Groups Angrily Condemn Lady Gaga's "Mary Magdalene" Act.


Phoenix civil rights groups Chicanos Unidos Arizona, Take Back Aztlán and Nuestros Reconquistos are once again condemning Lady Gaga, otherwise known as “Lady Rerun” to Jorge Serrano of Take Back Aztlán.

“So, Lady Gaga is playing Mary Magdelene in her new video to ‘Judas.’ In the video, she witnesses a crime, falls in love with a Black Jesus figure and ends up saving the person wrongly accused of the crime. Wait—didn’t Madonna do that before? At least Madonna made people question religion and race. Lady Gaga is just exploiting the Catholic religion, which many Latinos follow,” Mr. Serrano angrily says.

“Why can’t Lady Gaga pretend to be Muhammad? Now, that would be very brave! It’s so easy to knock Catholicism and Christianity these days, especially if you have absolutely no musical talent whatsoever. Lady Gaga is Lady Caca,” says Cecilia Maldonado of Chicanos Unidos Arizona.

“Her song ‘Express Yourself’ already referred to Latina woman as ‘Cholas.’ She has already shown what a bigot she is. Now, she is going after Catholics? This woman is certainly repulsive, but her fans are not too bright for following allowing her message of racism and intolerance to travel," says Manual Longoria of Nuestros Reconquistos.

By Miguel Perez

source : examiner.com

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