"I Could Not Afford Anything"

I could not afford anything. I had only five trays of ice ... but somehow ... the money was always there.

Write a testimony? Not me! It’s been two years and four months since I gave my life back to Jesus. Today, while sitting at my desk, God said, “Write your testimony on financial needs.”

I thought, 'Maybe I’m just thinking.' A couple hours later again, I heard, “Write your testimony.” Again, I thought, 'Me? No, not me.'

On the way home from work, I heard, “Write your testimony on financial needs.”

I am a Christian now, and I thank God for that. I left from a bad relationship of three years spent running around a table trying not to get hit or trying to get away from a gun. God had plans for me because I am still here.

One day when he was high on coke and drinking, I told him that if he left with the person who he always got high with, I was not going to be here when he got back.

Several times I wanted to leave but just couldn’t. This time was different. I was not afraid. When he left, I packed just what I needed for a couple of days. He called and threatened to kill me and my kids if that is what it took.

I moved in with my son. His house was empty at the time. His girlfriend moved out with the children, so I had a place to go. I stayed for awhile and then my son and his girlfriend got back together. They needed the space back, and I was asked to move out.

I had just gotten a job and had no money saved up when I moved out. The tires on my car were bad. The boss I worked for at the time told me to take my car and put new tires on all four. I moved into an apartment, and I couldn’t afford that either, but the money was there for me. I thought this must be a test to see if I really trusted God. I moved on faith.
I did a lot of praying, crying, and trusting in God. Every time something came up like rent, a car payment, a Nipsco bill, or a telephone bill, the money was always there. I would get a check in the mail for money I forgot I had loaned out, or someone would just stop by and offer me a bag of groceries. When I moved into my apartment, I had five trays of ice and that was all. But I was happy. I didn’t worry because I knew God would not let me starve. What a blessing God has given me. I had never lived by myself, and I thought, 'How is this going to work out?' God knew. He wouldn’t give me something I couldn’t handle.

I can say I have never went without anything I needed. God has put people in my life to see that I had what I needed. All the people helping me would find jobs for me to do to help me out. My friend Mary would see that she had painting to do and call up and ask, “Can you paint?”

I’d say, “I’ll do my best,” and off to Mary’s I would go. I finally realized that my treasures are not here on earth. They are in heaven with Jesus. I have had the love of my family and support from my daughter. She’s been such a blessing to me. Every time I would call her to pray for me, she would never have to ask why, she would just pray. I have had to put all my trust and faith in God. He has pulled me through all the rough times and the low times in my life. I know it was God who pulled me through. What God has helped me with financially and in every aspect of my life, He can do for you. You must have faith in God and trust Him. All things are possible with God.
God has pulled me through with flying colors, but it has been on His time, not mine. Sometimes I would think, 'Now, God, now. Why not now?!' But God has His hands on everything --- Who? What? When? and Where? Only God knows.

Sundays, when the dance team at church would dance so beautifully and gracefully, I would think, 'Could I do that for God?' I got such a blessing from watching the dancers, now I’m a member of the dance team. I hope I will be able to bless someone like I was blessed through dance. I know I can do all things through Christ.

by : Carolyn

source : precious-testimonies.com

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